Sunday, September 27, 2009


Didn't take photos of stuff this weekend :(
BUT: lunch at Basalt with jard (♥) on Friday = Chicken salad (FUCKING AMAZING) & lots of drinks (oops).
DINNER w/ my mom & Matt at The Elephant (favourite Thai restuarant ever). Starters (little & hardly any but probably quite bad) & a measly amont of Pad Thai because I was so full!
More drinks.

Sandwich w/ left-over chicken salad from Basalt & two leftover Portobello mushrooms! It was leftover central pretty much.
A few finger snack things at Ryan's 21st.

CRAP. lots of crap. A new milo bar, lollies & a slice of cheesecake (my mom bought it specially for me & i felt bad saying no). & leftover pad thai! but hardly any was left because someone stole some! Totally my cheat day.

I really need to start eating three meals a day w/ healthy snacks instead of just eating when I'm hungry. The problem is on weekends I hardly ever actually wake up early enough for breakfast (lol) & I'm never hungry for the first few hours after I wake up, so lunch usually goes out the window.

I feel pretty good with the choices I did make though!

w/ ♥ Heather

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meal Ideas: Portobello Burgers

Marinade portobello mushrooms in an olive oil/balsalmic vinegar blend for at least fifteen minutes on each side (start with the smooth side up).
Place them in the oven/barbeque them/grill them for around 10 - 15 minutes.
Eat in place of a burger patty!

They are actually really good. Apparently portobello mushrooms are the steak of the vegetarian world. They are dense & absorb flavour so beautifully.

I didn't take photos :( I was super hungry & I kind of forgot.
But I had a burger with a portobello mushroom, a little bit of cheese, iceberg lettuce & a gherkin. On the side I made potato & kumara wedge/chip things. Chop them up & roast them in the oven after drizzling olive oil over the top & sprinkling salt & basil to taste.

I think the burger came in at just under 200 calories. My counting might be a bit off though cuz I'm not sure of the quantities of some things I used. But that tasted way better than McDonalds & it filled me right up & it was much healthier!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life Overhaul.

Basically, I am unhappy with my lifestyle & how I look as a result of this.
I haven't been superhappy with myself for a while now, & I know why I am set in these patterns. But I really want to change it & turn my life around.
Let me be clear: although changing my appearance through weightloss is important to me, but I am also concerned about my health - diabetes, heart disease etc.

So this blog is pretty much an accountability thing. I will probably be less likely to eat shit if it means I have to post it up here, & I will probably realise that I eat more crap than I think. I will see patterns that I didn't know I had fallen into. Hopefully I will also face & combat any problems/patterns I have & be able to overcome them completely.

  • Get into a healthy weight range according to my BMI
  • Eat healthier food/pick healthier food options
  • Drink more water
  • Exercise more

I think I'm going to try to take photos of what I eat throughout the day & put them up here, a la starting with dinner tonight! I am really excited about it.