Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oh crap.

Okay. Changes to be made:

  1. ONE cheat day a week, within reason. Usually I fall into the trap of feeling like 'Oh it's Friday, it doesn't matter'. YES. IT. DOES.
    Although I must say, this weekend I was pretty good. I had sushi & frozen yoghurt on Saturday, & my mom made home-made pizzas (LOTS of veges, & no cheese - we ran out) for dinner.
    On Sunday: Home-made burger & chips, more sushi, 2 cupcakes. I guess that could have been considered my cheat day then :)
  2. More calorie counting plz. I need to write down what I eat when I eat it, & then find the calories accordingly.
  3. Get off your ass & do something. I fantasise about going for walks & runs. I want to go swimming. I don't do any of it.
  4. Stop making excuses. Assignments aren't the end of the world, & you can work around them. I will hopefully get into a good routine over summer & that will continue to work for me next year at Uni.
  5. Drink more water. Currently I drink hardly any. I drink quite a bit of tea, but it doesn't really occur to me to be thirsty. Wtf, I know.
  6. Pre-plan. Pre-plan. Pre-plan. If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fear & self-loathing.

I am so angry and mad and disappointed in myself.
I have eaten so badly this week. It completely undid all of the healthy choices I made last week. & tonight? We just ordered pizza - one of the foods I have ZERO CONTROL around.
I have been really really sick, & really stressed about three assignments being due in. This has made me so lazy about food preparation & planning.
Combined with this is the fact that I have quit smoking - I haven't had a cigarette since Sunday night. No cravings or anything, but it is scientifically proven that it makes you hungrier & stuff. If I had actually planned healthy things to snack on when I did get hungry, it would be fine.
But I didn't.

I keep skipping breakfast, which means I'm hungrier all day, & tend to snack in the afternoon.
I haven't done any exercise because I have had no energy & no time! But I should have scheduled everything more effectively so that I did.

I am so angry. I have been dreading posting because I didn't want to really face up to it. But I have to. & I also have to start taking photos of what I eat because often I forget what I have actually eaten!

BUT in saying this, tomorrow is a new day. Next week is a new week. It doesn't all end here.
I have learnt important things this week. I can combat these things & make everything better.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I can't really make excuses for not sticking to posting on here. Basically, I've had a super busy week with two assignments due in (I should really stop leaving things til the last minute) & lots of pressure PLUS I've been kind of tired because I've been staying up til odd hours working.

Food this week went a little something like this (I can't reeeeally remember everything!):

♥ A banana!
♥ -dinner- (I can't remember what.)

♥ Mashed up banana & cinnamon for breakfast.
♥ Pot of tea.
♥ Fish, egg fried rice & carrot, zucchini & brocolli.

♥ A chicken & relish sandwich from a cafe at uni.
♥ A nectarine.
♥ Steak, potato, zucchini, carrot & brocolli.

♥ 1/2 cup muesli with 3 tablespoons light vanilla yoghurt.
♥ Salad sandwich (lettuce, tomato, avocado) & one triangle of Laughing Cow Cheese.
♥ Chicken & pasta with peas, broccoli & carrots.
♥ 3 or 4 vodka, lemon & limes & one soho & lemonade! (Anita, Matt, Esjay & I went on a mini bar-crawl!)

♥ 1/2 cup muesli with 3 tablespoons light vanilla yoghurt.
♥ Half a carrot cupcake (it was really dry & I wasn't that hungry).
♥ Sushi - half salmon & half chicken teriyaki.
♥ Roast beef w/ potatoes, pumpkin & carrots.

& I am going to have a Turkish Delight Ice-cream bar. THEY ARE SO AMAZING, I love them. Fridays are hard for me, I get into the weekend mentality, probably because I don't go to Uni. Anyway, the Turkish Delight Ice-cream bars are amazing, & kind of low in calories. (I checked: 183 calories per delicious bar, not bad.)

In positive news, I have lost around 2 kgs this week but I'm not sure b/c I have been so distracted I haven't been weighing myself/I can't remember exact figures.

w/ ♥ Heather